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In the Lagoon

Labyrinth full of surprises, incredible city emerging from the lagoon, Venice is the perfect place to experiment photography.

(read comments from trainees)

In short



We will answer these fundamental questions:

  • What is a good photograph?
  • What do I want to say, what motivates me?


If you've ever noticed that you don't make better images because you bought a more expensive camera, and that five good images are better than five hundred bad, then you're ready!


  • You will have spent a pleasant time in the most beautiful city in the world, you will have had rich conversations with photography enthusiasts.
  • ou will have reflected on the act of shooting photographs and criteria for selecting  them.
  • You will bring back a treasure: a coherent series of original images!
  • This practical workshop will have changed your outlook, you will have developed a personal point of view. This reflection will guide your future photographic work.


  • On which criteria to select the images?
  • What about the picturesque?
  • How to organize a series?
  • Image taken or made?
  • What can we learn out of History of Photography, History of Art ?
  • Technique: shooting in difficult light
  • Technical: use of software for image selection and optimization


  • We will meet at breakfast, for a short briefing to organise the day, then we will alternate photography in group and individually and we will meet again for the meals.
  • At each meal, especially in the evening we will review and comment on each other's images, this point is so to say the most important part of the job. 
  • Everyday we will see a short slideshow about the History of Photography, I teach it at the University, this will help our theoretical reflection.
  • Everyday, we will visit a new place and will be given a new exercise proposal.
  • We will visit the many churches, museums and exhibitions all over the city, or simply go, pursue chance, be available for surprise.


  • This course is open to all, beginners as well as experienced photographers. The important thing is your passion for the image.
  • Teaching will be held in English or English and French, depending upon who will attend the workshop.
  • Please dare ask me any question to prepare your visit.



  • Virtually any digital camera with SD card will do. Especially do not go too heavy!
  • Don't forget an extra battery, the charger and an extra memory card.
  • I will bring my computer (Mac) and an SD card reader for editing and History of Photography slideshows. You can bring your laptop or tablet.
  • You will be given a paper map of Venice upon arrival.
  • A notebook / sketchbook will be of the greatest use.
  • Also think about good shoes, we are going to walk quite a bit and it can rain in Venice.
  • In any case, travel light, and most importantly, do not forget your good mood!


You can stay in Venice as you wish, at the hotel or in a guesthouse. I do not advise you to stay on land or at the campsite, because it's annoying to have to take a train or a boat in the evening and that would deprive you of evening slideshows.

Or, if you choose the formula with accommodation included, we will stay in a clean and comfortable apartment, in San Basilio, a neighborhood that is both quiet and central. The apartment is a quarter of an hour walk from Santa Lucia. When arriving by plane, it is best to take the vaporetto to Zattere.


We will try some nice restaurants, there are numerous in Venice. Otherwise we can cook at the apartment, the shops are nearby.


The best is to land in Marco Polo, directly in the lagoon, and take the vaporetto to Venice. I will send you specific instructions and wait for you upon arrival.

Otherwise the arrival of the night train in Santa Lucia is also great.

If you come by car, which I do not really recommend, you can leave it in the parking lot in front of the train station in Mestre, there are then trains every quarter of an hour to Santa Lucia.

Then we will go on foot or we will use the vaporetti.

If you wish, you can treat yourself to a small gondola ride at an additional cost.



Next workshop 2025

  • Workshop only: 750€ - price includes teaching, it includes neither accommodation, nor food or transportation.

Workshop with accommodation: 1100€ - price includes teaching, accommodation and transportation within Venice. It includes neither food nor transportation to and from Venice. Please inquire for availability.

Please be welcome and feel free to ask me any question to prepare your venue.