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Frozen Lake Gallery – le lac gele

I have lived for a long time in a sixteenth-century house in the Hauture district, a few steps from the Arena. It was when I moved to Arles that I discovered photography and became an artist.
Following the closure in 2021 of Voies Off, which had always been my gallery, and after the Covid-related lockdowns, I felt the need to open my house during the Rencontres d'Arles. Since then, for a few special events, my house has become a gallery. I like to invite artists  and organise exhibitions of their works with them. It is sometimes also an opportunity to show my own work.
At the beginning of 2022, my friend Jacques Lafont decided to retire. He closed his gallery in Nîmes and kindly offered me the name, which I have always found infinitely poetic. From now on, my gallery will be called “le lac gele” (the Frozen Lake).


27 RUE DU GRAND COUVENT | 13200 ARLES | | +33 63305 9920

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